Thursday, July 12, 2012

[NEWS] Seungri’s Diary Update: Fuji TV drama 'GTO'! (120707)

Yesterday I went to visit everyone on set that stars in “GTO”, a FujiTV drama that’s on every Tuesday at 10pm.
It was weird to look “bad”….so I’m quite sorry about that but I’m really looking forward to it!! Akira-san and Miori-san were both so nice to me T_T
Why are all my friends in Japan so friendly….I want to cry again.

Akira-san, Miori-chan, sorry to keep you waiting, but it’s all good right? Since it’s all for good fun ^^

You have to watch it okay! ON AIR! Remember to check it!
NOTE: Seungri still working @ Asia mu-mo from July to September.^o^

Source: vipchica@ameblo + seungriCN // Trans by jwalkervip @tumblr


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